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Cell Phone Repair Franchise, Mobile Repair Franchise

Set up a SmartPhoneFIX - Market Leading Technical Assistance. Book your city, international expansion.


Conserta Smart is the national leader in technical support for smartphones. With more than 350 franchised units throughout Brazil, it has become a reference in fast maintenance of smartphones and tablets.

The network uses online systems and processes, aiming for transparency in the execution of services. All courses and training are certified to ensure total quality in customer service,

Know a little about the project in the reports. The reports were shown on channels such as Globo, Bandeirantes and SBT.

Great Market Share

The growth of the smartphone market in Brazil and in the world is a reality, we are already the 4th World Market. Every minute in 2014 98 handsets are sold in the country. 125 million mobile phones and smartphones break each year, with 68% coming from falls or water, not covered by the guarantee. Upon entering this business, the entrepreneur will participate in this market with brand and support ConsertaSmart

125 million mobile phones and smartphones break each year, with 68% coming from falls or water, not covered by the guarantee.

Franquia de conserto de eletrodomesticos

How it works?

By acquiring ConsertaSmart's concession for only R $ 18,900, the entrepreneur will receive all the necessary support to open his unit, training, tools, management system, visual identity and more. Next, report Super Interesting Magazine.

Who can have a ConsertaSmart?

Any entrepreneur, we do not require a technical profile. To take the course, we advise the person to have a minimum of computer knowledge. If the person does not have this knowledge, they can select someone (employee or trainee) to take the course.

Laboratório venda de franquia

All trainings are performed by certified technicians CREA-SP (Regional Engineering Council)

With a complete training material, and our guides, after our certification anyone is able to carry out maintenance on smartphones. We will maintain advanced technical support for the entrepreneur. If in doubt, we will be ready to support you. They are intensive days of course in our matrix, accompanied by online material and practical classes. The intensive course is composed of:

Training includes:

  • Maintenance of Apple devices (Iphone, Ipad)
  • Samsung appliance maintenance (Galaxy Line, Galaxy TAB)
  • Maintenance of Motorola devices (Moto G, Moto X)
  • Maintenance of Nokia devices (Lumia Line)
  • Maintenance of Sony appliances (Xperia Line)
  • Maintenance of LG appliances
  • Maintenance of imported appliances

Laboratório venda de franquia

The training is based on the ConsertaSmart defect flowchart.

Quite different from the courses currently provided, the ConsertaSmart training consists of focusing on the main defects faced by the franchisee on a day-to-day basis.

  • We've covered 37 topics ranging from a simple one-button swap to a board repair using the manufacturer's manual service.
  • In addition, we apply full software training.
  • The training will also teach the franchisee the use of various types of machinery.
  • Using external power supply
  • Use of rework station
  • Use of soldering station and microscope
  • At the end of the training, an evaluation is applied for certificate delivery.
  • Attention: Several franchises do not have professionals certified by CREA, and are not able to carry out training. Stay tuned.

As part of ConsertaSmart, what do you get?

Ferramentas venda de franquia
  • 1) Permission to use the ConsertaSmart brand
  • 2) Online system with all videos, manuals, support to the franchisee, purchase of parts, and management of your technical assistance online.Customer can monitor your repair through the internet, and the entrepreneur can access the system from any point with internet.
  • 3) Visual identity, logos, and graphic arts for facade and internal adhesivation.
  • 4) Face-to-face repair training for smartphones, cell phones and tablets.
  • 5) Tools and instruments for repairing smartphones and tablets.
  • 6) Technical support
  • 7) Shared Advertising: Your unit will appear in all our National Disclosure campaigns. Google, Facebook, YouTube among other advertising channels such as billboards, radio advertisements and other media that may be carried out

Conserta Eletro

Sistema próprio franquia

The ConsertaSmart system is a system of the franchise that includes everything from managing your unit to online training and technical support.

  • Work order management
  • Sales management of accessories
  • Insurance sales management
  • Device follow-up flow
  • Device reports produced
  • Running device reports
  • Billed appliance reports
  • Performance reports, average ticket and billing.
  • Parts Cost Reports
  • Price table
  • In-service input checklist

Sistema próprio franquia

Supports and training within the system:

  • Training videos
  • Disassembly videos of devices
  • Step-by-step disassembly and component replacement manuals
  • Software Directory for download
  • ROM directory and software for each device.
  • Defect flowchart system: You select the defect and the system shows step-by-step what should be done for solution.
  • Technical support call opening
  • Parts Purchase System
  • List of parts of all brands
  • Values ​​and availability online
  • New features in the system and training are applied monthly following suggestions from the franchisees themselves.
  • Unique system, own and without similar in the national market.

Investments, advantages and next steps.

Initial investment

ConsertaSmart membership (training, tools, system and more) - $18.900,00
you can pay in 2X.

Attention: CITIES BELOW 30,000 HABITANTS with special conditions. Consult our team.

Monthly royalties

Cities below 350,000 inhabitants $ 990.00 Cities with more than 350,000 inhabitants $ 1,900

Contract term: 12 months renewable
Return on investment: 3 to 6 months
Start of operation: 30 days after contract signature

Advantages of opening a unit ConsertaSmart

  • Business with high growth in the country.
  • Low investment.
  • Home Based Operation.
  • Great winnings.
  • Provision of services.
  • Mark with national projection.
  • Standardized operation throughout the country.
  • Investment opportunity.

5 Steps to open your ConsertaSmart.

  • 1. Fill out Form of Interest with desired city
  • 2. Telephone interview with our representative
  • 3. Receive contract and signature
  • 4. Training (1 week)
  • 5. Opening

Talk with us
our expansion departament are waiting for you:

  • Central: (19) 3201-1160

Opportunity to take Conserta Smart to other countries.
International Master Franchisee concession for the first unit to be assembled in another country. Exemption of adhesion, in addition to subsidies and investment of the brand in your Country.

Extra Compensation for training of new franchisees. Support and investment of brand in advertising
Technical support by whatsapp com experienced technicians and more than 300 franchisees

Complete management system

Technical training constant through the system with weekly videos

Certificate of operation

Credibility to the customer to capture devices. > Commercial consulting on how to get more handsets, increase billing, reduce costs with spare parts ..
Consult our expansion department now!

Fill in your details to contact us

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